Support this documentarty, BKS Iyengar the original master of Ridiculous Body Awareness AKA yoga...

At Plank®, we make no bones about sharing that BKS Iyengar's methodology is foundational to inspire us to create yoga mats that teach the practioner how to create more solid body-to-mat-to-mind connections, thus stronger foundations...

We call it Ridiculous Body Awareness™ AKA yoga...

What I love about an Iyengar practice, is that once you think you've mastered a pose, there is still more to learn. Thus if you think you know what grounded technology is, think again...

I love this story, as paraphrased by my IY instructor, Nancy Turnquist. When working on articulating how to master Downward Dog, BKS Iyengar, practiced on ICE, yes ice. For me, this means not only do I have to seriously investigate my hand/feet-to-mat connections, I also have to pull into the midline, like crazy, like ridiculously more than I think necessary, otherwise...

If you've been practicing for a while and wondering how to take your practice to the next level, for us at Plank, without a shadow of a doubt, consider including an Iyengar Practice to your yoga regime. The rate of pose improvement occurs within one class, instead of over several weeks of a typical Vinyasa/Flow class.

Thus it's a no-brainer that we'd support this documentary to shine a light on his work and methodology. We hope you do too and if not, to at least consider taking up an IY class at least once a week, month or from time to time. Once you realise the difference a lil Ridiculous Body Awareness makes, you don't slip up, back, forward or wherever... 

The Methodology & Teachings of BKS Iyengar, the master of Ridiculous Body Awareness...



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