From the Ground Up

At Plank, as originally haters, now lovers of the Plank pose, as a company, we strive to walk the talk, with every beneficial inhale and exhale: to create products which provides the refined, enhanced foundation you need to move strongly and confidently through your yoga practice and your daily life.

Our pioneering heat-activated—and visually dynamic—yoga mats encourages you to ground yourself fully into a vibrant world beyond your feet and hands. Our innovative surface forces you to connect broadly and deeply into your poses, to become acutely aware of your muscles, tendons, organs, bones and beyond. Plank mats teach you stability and help supply the power and confidence needed for a body-, mind-, and life-altering relationship with yoga.

Of course, we’ve also designed our mat carriers, messenger bags, totes, and purses with Plank Pose in mind. They’re architecturally and functionally sound, so that you can express your newfound strength off the mat, too.

Visit Learn More for an in-depth description about our original heat-activated technology, including step-by-step instructions for activating the mat’s grip. For more of Doreen’s underdog, yoga story, visit Meet The Founder.

"The intrinsic goal of my initiatives and message is to nurture all emerging artists in the areas of photographic, illustrative video and design medium, and to be able to utilize my vehicle, The Well Heeled Guru blog, as a sound board and a collaborative space to develop and nurture what their art expression is defining. The Well Heeled Guru has the ability with my experience in design, lecturing and mentoring, to engage and illicit the very best of what each talent has to offer, but has yet to fully express and share their unique and diverse art ~ what they really want the world to know what they are about is my driving force for my interest and shared expression."